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2020 Games and Visual Narrative Showcase

Join us for our annual games and interactive media showcase featuring select games from some of the courses in the Computer Science Game Development Concentration. Although...

Landscape Change in Brasília

This project will study changes in the landscape in the Federal District (DF) of Brazil. The Brazilian government created its new DF as a federally...

SpaceCraft: Solar Explorer

SpaceCraft: Solar Explorer is a interactive museum installation, which allows visitors to digitally build rockets on a tabletop, using tangible physical blocks, and then launch...

Beam Bounce

Beam Bounce is part of an ongoing project, a collaboration between the Museum of Life + Science (MLS)(Durham, NC, USA) and Professor Todd Berreth, Art...

Street Feature-Location Mapping Tool

In the last two decades, historians have increasingly employed GIS to understand urban and spatial change. However, GIS approaches landscapes from above, reproducing the point...